Darryl Rogers

" Now or Never "

My drawing explores the visual language of circles and cylinders, or even containers— an elemental yet complex form. Through a process of automatic creation, I let images and words appear.  These pieces combine to evoke a tension between despair and resilience, capturing the fragile dance between decay and the spark of persistent life. Here art is hope: a seed planted in the shadow, refusing to succumb.




Darryl is an Australian hybrid media artist who works with video, augmented and virtual reality, installation, sculpture and painting. His work has been shown extensively across the world, including at Times Square NYC, LOOP Barcelona, FACT UK, UMW Media Wall USA and many other video arts festivals around the world. Darryl has artworks collected by Artbank Australia, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery and many private collections internationally. Darryls video work After Magritte currently shows elsewhere at dAda mUse.