We are all actors in the role of art making.
On this stage we are playing a part, imagined or real. A risky business as artists, we are putting our vision and inner self out in the public for scrutiny. This is both exciting and daunting.
My art is increasingly becoming more abstracted as I try to depict a feeling or psychological state rather than a scene. By turning off the inner conversation and allowing the intuitive creation to occur, overthink and become too rational we can lose the joy.
Hello, my name is Kath Willmott-Jones. I am a Visual artist now based in Tasmania; I grew up in Sydney. One of my childhood memories was the joy of my first finger painting. I am now interested in all mediums.
Managing to study fine arts at the Northern Institute of Tafe while bringing up a family planted the seed, and eventually I was able to gain a degree in Visual arts at Newcastle University. Majoring in Printmaking and Fibre art. These areas opened up a whole new world that enabled me to dabble in everything, from bronze to paper or found objects.
Living on a Sailing Vessel for ten years changed my direction greatly and photographing ideas, and water was the new muse. Fast forward to Tasmania, I started painting again and was fortunate in winning a few competitions and volunteering with two community arts committees. One being Theatre, which I love.