Salvador Dali

Anti-Umbrella with Atomised Liquid

"For beaches, like St.Tropez. This is a mechanism to help people remain healthy and beautiful. There are atomizers containing a very fine fluid concealed in the crown of the umbrella, and a button in the handle which activates them. So, a girl in a bikini, or without one, opens her umbrella which protects her from the sun and at the same time, by pushing a button, she is dripping with an atomized liquid like a rain of dew to tan and to nourish the skin with substances, for a triumphant dermatology."


This innovation imagined by Dali pictured an umbrella that would keep beachgoers cool and moisturised as they spent the day in the sun.

This work is part of the "Imagination and Objects of the Future" portfolio, which is full of Dalí's fantastical creations of futuristic luxuries and extravagances. The suite of 10 dry point etchings combined with lithography and collage were inspired by his extensive research on a variety of scientific topics, including physics, biology, and arithmetic. These encompass the concept of Dali imagining himself as the 20th century Leonardo da Vinci, giving to the world what he imagined the future would hold.