Inferno (Hell), Canto 31 – Giants
“a moment this, when I would fain have gone by another road”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 31 – Giants
“a moment this, when I would fain have gone by another road”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 30 – Men Who Devour Thems...
“Come to Capocchio, one so fanged him nigh the neck-joint that he made his belly grind on the hard rock-floor as he dragged him by”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 30 – Men Who Devour Thems...
“Come to Capocchio, one so fanged him nigh the neck-joint that he made his belly grind on the hard rock-floor as he dragged him by”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 29 – Falsifiers
“It held in its hand by the hair and to and fro’me let the dissevered head swing lantern-wise”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 29 – Falsifiers
“It held in its hand by the hair and to and fro’me let the dissevered head swing lantern-wise”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 28 – Bertrand de Horn
“Dangling between his legs the entrails hung: the pluck appeared, and the foul sack thereunder, which turns whate’er is swallowed into dung”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 28 – Bertrand de Horn
“Dangling between his legs the entrails hung: the pluck appeared, and the foul sack thereunder, which turns whate’er is swallowed into dung”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 27 – The Logician Devil
“May be thou didst not think that I was a logician!”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 27 – The Logician Devil
“May be thou didst not think that I was a logician!”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 26 – Inhabitants of Prado
“I saw a Centaur full of fury race, and ‘Where’s the ribald, where?’ I heard him yell”
Inferno (Hell), Canto 26 – Inhabitants of Prado
“I saw a Centaur full of fury race, and ‘Where’s the ribald, where?’ I heard him yell”