Alice in Wonderland – The rabbit sends in a lit...
In 1969 Salvador Dalí illustrated a limited edition of the classic 1865 novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (commonly referred to as Alice in Wonderland), written by Lewis Carroll. In Carroll’s...
Alice in Wonderland – The rabbit sends in a lit...
In 1969 Salvador Dalí illustrated a limited edition of the classic 1865 novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (commonly referred to as Alice in Wonderland), written by Lewis Carroll. In Carroll’s...
Les Muses Terpsichore (Dance)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Terpsichore is the...
Les Muses Terpsichore (Dance)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Terpsichore is the...
Les Muses Urania (Astronomy)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Urania is the...
Les Muses Urania (Astronomy)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Urania is the...
Les Muses Euterpe (Music)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Euterpe is the...
Les Muses Euterpe (Music)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Euterpe is the...
Les Muses Melpomene (Tragedy)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Melpomene is the...
Les Muses Melpomene (Tragedy)
Salvador Dalí created the suite of Les Muses while creating works for two of his patrons Giuseppe and Mara Albaretto. The artworks are inspired by Greek mythology. Melpomene is the...
Salvador Dalí
This portrait of Salvador Dalí has been hand signed by Dalí in ink. Produced in 1980, Salvador Dalí was 76 years old.
Salvador Dalí
This portrait of Salvador Dalí has been hand signed by Dalí in ink. Produced in 1980, Salvador Dalí was 76 years old.