Les bruixes de Llers (The Witches of Llers)

Les bruixes de Llers (The Witches of Llers)

Poems by Carles Fages de Climent

Illustrations by Salvador Dalì

Inventory number 2091

Les bruixes de Llers (The Witches of Llers), published in 1924, is a collection of poems written by Carles Fages de Climent with prologue by Ventura Gassol. This was the first book published by Fages de Climent and was the first book that Salvador Dalì ever illustrated.

Carles Fages de Climent was a friend of Salvador Dalì as they were born in the same street and went to school together. This friendship lasted their whole lives and they continued to collaborate on creative projects.

Salvador Dalì painted Christ of the Tramontana in homage to Fages de Climent upon his death and the painting is held by the Dali Theatre and Museum in Spain.

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